Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Our Christmas
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" Luke 2:14
Well, we started our celebrations last night at my FIL's house. This was after I made a last minute trip to Costco for some gifts and then spent the rest of the afternoon finishing grandparent gifts and wrapping them. Actually, the girls started the day out by waking us up around 7:30 a.m. to do their annual play for us. They did a fantastic job this year as Eldest wrote the script and they acted out a news broadcast about the birth of Christ. I don't have any pictures though because I could barely keep my eyes open from a combination of staying up late and taking Nyquil due to my cold. They let me go back to sleep until 9.
I gave the girls pajamas before supper because I didn't want to have pink and purple pajamas in my Christmas pictures again this year. Plus they could use the new pjs so that is the excuse I am sticking by. Hubby gave me a gift early so I could use it that evening. It was an external flash for my camera, however, it never worked on my camera. After researching it on the internet, it appears that it doesn't work with my brand even though Best Buy keeps telling people it will. We were disappointed but he is going to take it back and we are going to look for another one. He also got me a device to play my ipod in the car through the radio. That will be very handy.
The girls received handmade pajamas and slippers from their grandma and Pop-pop along with a group gift of card games.
We received a neat family gift from DH's sister of 3 interactive DVD games - Press Your Luck, Let's Make a Deal and Family Feud. We had a great time trying them out today. 
We stayed and visited for a few hours and then headed home because we needed to put together Puddin's gift still. After we got everyone in bed, though, we discovered a problem. Hubby didn't have all the parts to put together the kitchen we had bought!! It seemed there was suppose to be 2 boxes and we only received 1. This was almost midnight on Christmas Eve but I decided to try and reach Amazon anyway. We got through right away and hubby got things straightened out after 15 or 20 minutes. We were, however, left without a big gift for Puddin! Any of the other girls and we could have just explained but not a 3 year old! Mike headed to Walmart but they were closed already so then he tried Walgreens. They were thankfully open and he found a stroller/doll combo. We finished getting stuff set out and then headed to bed.
This morning came too early but since Puddin had already wandered out of her room, we decided to get things going.
We did our tradition of singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and prayed before going out to the tree.
The girls were thrilled with what they found there - Eldest got a digital camera, Longlegged girl got a sewing machine, the twins found Littlest Pet Shop and of course, Puddin had her doll stroller. 

They then opened the 1 other gift we got them - camera case, pajama pattern, pierced earrings and the promise of getting their ears pierced for the twins and pots/pans for Puddin which were suppose to go with the kitchen. She enjoyed playing with them anyway. I got Dh some toys from Think Geek which he was excited about. He loved the helicopter!

My mom and brother came over a few hours later and we enjoyed playing some games and then having dinner after my other brother arrived with his family.
DH and my brother played Indiana Jones on the Wii for a few hours and then we went for a drive to find Christmas lights.
We are now home relaxing and thankful for a great day! I pray everyone else had as wonderful a day!!
Well, we started our celebrations last night at my FIL's house. This was after I made a last minute trip to Costco for some gifts and then spent the rest of the afternoon finishing grandparent gifts and wrapping them. Actually, the girls started the day out by waking us up around 7:30 a.m. to do their annual play for us. They did a fantastic job this year as Eldest wrote the script and they acted out a news broadcast about the birth of Christ. I don't have any pictures though because I could barely keep my eyes open from a combination of staying up late and taking Nyquil due to my cold. They let me go back to sleep until 9.
I gave the girls pajamas before supper because I didn't want to have pink and purple pajamas in my Christmas pictures again this year. Plus they could use the new pjs so that is the excuse I am sticking by. Hubby gave me a gift early so I could use it that evening. It was an external flash for my camera, however, it never worked on my camera. After researching it on the internet, it appears that it doesn't work with my brand even though Best Buy keeps telling people it will. We were disappointed but he is going to take it back and we are going to look for another one. He also got me a device to play my ipod in the car through the radio. That will be very handy.
The girls received handmade pajamas and slippers from their grandma and Pop-pop along with a group gift of card games.
My mom and brother came over a few hours later and we enjoyed playing some games and then having dinner after my other brother arrived with his family.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Birthday pictures
We surprised Eldest with a jewelry box for her birthday. We hadn't planned to get her one due to finances but I found one on sale at Kohl's while I had a percent off coupon and it had the bonus of a mirror on the front! She was very surprised but had trouble figuring out if it was a jewelry box or just a mirror. She was thrilled when she found out it was both!

This is the cake I made for her. She didn't really have a theme in mind and told me to do whatever so this is what I came up with. The star tip is my friend!! :-)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
14 years old!
No, it is not me that age, you would have to flip the numbers around to get to my next age. Actually, Eldest turned 14 today. It was a fairly quiet celebration being on a Sunday. Pictures to follow! Happy birthday sweetheart!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
November into December
Wow! I had many events that I took pictures of in a week time so I just decided to put the majority of them in one post. We started with Thanksgiving. We visited with Mike's Dad and family here in town. We enjoyed some delicious food complete with turkey, corn casserole, broccoli casserole, potatoes and much more.

After dinner, we enjoyed sitting around chatting while the little ones found the dress up clothes. We had dancers and pirates running everywhere. Mike and his dad played the guitars for us and we sang some songs.

After the little ones went down for the night, we played on the Wii. We did Wii Sing and enjoyed seeing who could follow the music better. I did pretty good for not knowing any of the songs!
Puddin was ready to crash after such an event filled day and I rested up for my shopping adventure. I went from midnight to noon on Friday. The deals weren't really worth doing it again but I did enjoy the time with my sweet friends.

Saturday found us getting out the Christmas decorations. It is a tradition to try and do it on Thanksgiving weekend. That is also when we break out the Christmas CDs and play them full blast :-) Daddy hung the lights on the house while the girls and I worked on the bushes and yard. If I ever get a good shot of the lights, I will post it.

We also had the fun time of keeping our twin niece and nephew over the weekend while their parents went to the FSU game. On Sunday, after having naps, they were enjoying a snack with Puddin. They were having "Veggie Tale" sticks :-)

Christmas evening, we got our tree decorated. I had bought one with lights already attached on clearance last year so it was much easier to put up this year. The girls enjoyed putting the ornaments on and then Daddy hung our nail in the tree to help us remember that Christ is what we are celebrating and he was born so he could die on a tree for our sins! He truly is the reason for the season!!

On Wednesday, we celebrated St Nicholas day and opened our stockings. We had to do it early this year since we had conflicts with Friday and Saturday. It put a little rush on me as I wasn't totally ready but with Eldest help, I got the shopping finished Tuesday evening. Puddin found an apron and hat for her warmth gift. One of her grandmothers embroidered it for me with her name. She can't wait to help me make cupcakes wearing it.
Cucumber found an elf nutcracker for her wood gift. She was very thrilled with it.
Pumpkin had a hat for her warmth gift and Longlegged girl was thrilled over her money gift - a Starbucks gift card.

Eldest was jumping for joy when she found a frappuchino as her food gift. She was even happier when she found out there were 3 more to go with it!
I enjoyed a Starbucks gift card also as I like to treat myself occasionally. Hubby found jeans which he greatly needed. They didn't fit in the stocking real easily though!

After opening stockings, we roasted marshmallows over a fire and made smores for our dessert.

I thought I would throw in a picture of our beagle, Ashlee. She enjoyed all the evening activities from the safety and warmth of her bed.
After dinner, we enjoyed sitting around chatting while the little ones found the dress up clothes. We had dancers and pirates running everywhere. Mike and his dad played the guitars for us and we sang some songs.
Saturday found us getting out the Christmas decorations. It is a tradition to try and do it on Thanksgiving weekend. That is also when we break out the Christmas CDs and play them full blast :-) Daddy hung the lights on the house while the girls and I worked on the bushes and yard. If I ever get a good shot of the lights, I will post it.
Christmas evening, we got our tree decorated. I had bought one with lights already attached on clearance last year so it was much easier to put up this year. The girls enjoyed putting the ornaments on and then Daddy hung our nail in the tree to help us remember that Christ is what we are celebrating and he was born so he could die on a tree for our sins! He truly is the reason for the season!!
After opening stockings, we roasted marshmallows over a fire and made smores for our dessert.
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