Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day to be Thankful

Actually, we should be thankful every day and in every situation if we claim the name of Christ.
"Rejoice always,
pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)

But today we take specific time to focus on the things we are thankful for and when we stop and think about it, we have much to be thankful for.

Below is just a partial list of the things I am thankful for:

  • A loving Heavenly Father who cares about every part of me, even in my sin.
  • A loving husband who cares for me in spite of my sin
  • 5 beautiful girls who I can train and raise up in the admonition of the Lord
  • Extended family to enjoy and spend time with
  • A church that strives to handle all things according to the Scriptures
  • A home that keeps us warm and dry
  • A job for my husband that allows all our needs to be met and many of our wants also
  • Safety for my husband as he drives back and forth every day to that job
  • Vehicles that run
  • Good health and modern medicine to help when things need to be taken care of
  • Flowers and plants that add beauty around us and the opportunity to grow them
  • Music to praise and worship the Lord through
  • Way more than I could ever list here!

I pray your Thanksgiving day finds you drawing closer to the One who deserves all praise and glory! Enjoy your turkey!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Veteran's Day Parade

We participated in the Jacksonville Veteran's Day parade this last Tuesday with our local society of C.A.R. The girls really enjoy wearing their colonial dresses and carrying the banners and flags. Puddin and I rode on the trailer this year. I walked it last year and trust me, my feet were hurting!!

It was quite a long parade this year and thankfully, we were at the front since we represent the first war in American history. We were able to watch the rest of the parade with my SIL and her children. It was a great way to show appreciation for all our veterans!!
Eldest in her new dress and hairdo
Longlegged girl ready to march
Not sure who is who but they sure look cute!
Puddin looking sweet in her colonial dress

Mama and Puddin on the trailer

This is the horses that walked behind us in the parade. Puddin wasn't really that afraid of them it was just that the horse kept swinging his head over at her and she kept saying he was going to lick her. At one point in the parade, we were joking that the horses were going to get up on the trailer and ride with us as they were so close. It was probably the hay that they were after :-)

My niece and nephew enjoying the music and waving at the people

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hair Everywhere!

I spent a few hours tonight cutting hair and it wasn't my own which is in need of a haircut soon. I started with Puddin. I mainly just got rid of the ends which were getting scraggly. Daddy doesn't want her hair cut until she is 5. Next was Pumpkin. She made the decision, on her own, to cut her hair as short as Cucumber's. She wanted them to look more alike but she doesn't want bangs. Cucumber wasn't thrilled but it was Pumpkin's choice. Here are some before and after pictures:

Next was Eldest turn. She shocked me yesterday by saying she wanted her hair cut in a bob. She had been talking about getting bangs which I didn't think would look the best. I made double sure before I cut it but once we were done, I could quickly see it was a great choice. I love how it looks fuller and shows off the wave that has developed in her hair.

I did give Cucumber a quick trim also. Longlegged girl was the only one who didn't get a cut tonight. Mainly because she didn't really need it but also because my legs and back were done for!! I don't want to be a hair stylist when I grow up!! We watched Little Women while I cut which I thought was an appropriate movie. The tears flowed all the way around the room during the part where Beth dies.

Dh walked in the room after I was finished and wanted to know if a dog exploded. There was quite a bit of hair on the floor but there is also more cash in my bank account which makes it worth it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Free Chocolate!

Haydee Chocolatier

Just thought I would pass along this offer for some free truffles if anyone was interested.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reformation Day Party

We don't celebrate halloween. We made that decision before our children were born so they have never gone out trick or treating although they have attended Fall Festivals once or twice. We always try to not be home on the evening of 31st so we go to friends' houses who don't live in busy neighborhoods or other events. One time we attended a local fair type event and were interviewed about why we were there that evening. The interview and the girls' picture was put in our local newspaper.

Over the years, I learned more about Reformation day and decided that was what I wanted my girls to think of the 31st as. About 5 years ago, Dh and I put on a party at our church, coming up with Biblical themed games like "Bean Goliath" and "Pin the Thesis on the Door". It was a welcomed event so I did some search for more ideas. I came across the book, A Night of Reformation, by Doorposts Publishing which was just what I was looking for. The next year, we put together a party based on the life of John Calvin. It was a wonderful time. I wasn't able to put together one for the next few years due to being out of town and having other obligations. This year, I was determined to put another party together. We did one of the parties for Martin Luther and his life. It turned out wonderful. Below are pictures from it. Note all the creativity each of the families and singles put into the booths. I just had to give them a paper telling how the game was played and a list of suggested supplies.

The nuns from Katie's Convent. The detail they put into this was amazing. I absolutely loved it!!

This was one of the more popular games. You had to knock down the red books which contained false teachings while not knocking down the blue books which were Luther's.

Eldest and her friend planned and ran the obstacle course booth. It portrayed when Luther was kidnapped on his way home to keep him safe from the pope.

My sweet dh getting ready to lead the prayer and read some scripture.
My girls and some of the other youth read the story of Luther's life
which explained the different games.

Even the adults enjoyed the fun.
Puddin had fun playing too. She threw the papal bull in the fire and pinned the thesis on the door. I think she enjoyed the candy the most though!

She even had help from Daddy decoding Bible verses.
Eldest even got some time to play games after it sprinkled and her booth had to close down.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I can do school too!

Puddin is growing up way too fast. When I tell her sisters to get started on school, she says she is going to get her school out also. I decided to needed to get busy finding some things for her to do. I found a wonderful site on line to make lapbooks, even for her age. She enjoys having the Poky Little Puppy read to her so I chose that as the first book. We learned some new words, counted flowers and bugs and learned about our senses. She had a great time putting together her lapbook and I hope to do more with her.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Festival

We had our annual Fall Festival at church last weekend. The girls entered the pie contest. Eldest made a Lemon Meringue with the help of my mom, Pumpkin and Cucumber made a Pumpkin pie on their own and Longlegged Girl made a French Mint pie with my help.

The girls had loads of fun playing the many games. Pumpkin and Cucumber got carried away

Longlegged Girl got led through the obstacle course and Eldest helped lead Cucumber through.Puddin kept herself busy doing a treasure hunt, helping gather balloons and being an airplane.

Daddy led some music around the campfire with his guitar and I just enjoyed fellowshiping and watching the fun. Oh, and taking the pictures :-)

Finished TOG Year 3, Unit 1

We finished up our first unit in Year 3 and with a co-op. We learned about the War of 1812, Louisiana Purchase, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution with its many inventions and South America and its fight for freedom from the Spanish led by Simon Bolivar. The girls read classics such as Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein and Swiss Family Robinson along with some poetry. Did you know Frankenstein was the name of the creator not the monster?

The on-line discussions have added to the learning and the older girls really enjoy it. Well, Eldest is not thrilled with Literature but it is more the analyzing aspect than the actual discussion. She is slowly getting better with it though. The other moms have done an excellent job and it just keeps getting better. My turn to teach will come in the next unit.

Pumpkin and Cucumber were assigned to do a report on one of the inventors they learned about. They both chose to make one of his inventions. Cucumber chose Robert Fulton and made a steamboat while Pumpkin did Eli Whitney and his cotton gin. They gave a presentation to the rest of our family one night after we had a South American type meal. Good job girls!