Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Back to School

We started back to school after the holidays on January 7th.  I decided to tweak our science a little so the older girls were assigned all the experiments in the next  module first and then do all the reading.  The twins are learning Newton's Laws so they had an experiment where they were to mix vinegar and baking soda in a large bottle.  It was suppose to blow the cap off and shoot the other direction but they had a few problems, one of which was using baking powder instead of soda.  Also, we didn't have a 2 liter so the vinegar bottle was probably a little too large.

 Victoria was trying to boil red cabbage on a wanna be bunsen burner.  I had her do it outside because of the smell.  It was little chilly with the wind.  She was multi-tasking while watching her next math lesson.  The cabbage never boiled so she had to move it to the stovetop.
Puddin was learning about sea turtles in her science.  Here she was using her "front flippers" to pull herself along just like a female turtle does when she comes up the beach to lay her eggs.  Not the easiest thing to do!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

It is 2013 and I am still around.  I did well until mid October and then things go crazy around here so I didn't get posts up.  The next few posts, I will do summaries of what was going on around here and then we will see how well I do.  I've decided to keep this blog for mostly school related and every day things.  I am going to start another blog for my ramblings and the 365 day photo challenge I am going to take on.  I think any farm related will go on our blog we used when we built our house: From the Ground Up.

The end of October brought a day trip to Sea World with Puddin's science co-op.  Since they are studying sea creatures this year, it was a very appropriate trip.  We took our pastor's oldest daughter with us along with June's aunt and mom.  We had a wonderful class on Whales and Dolphins to start the day off.  The teacher was fantastic and very enthusiastic.  Our kids did wonderful answering her questions and she was impressed a few times with what they knew.  The rest of day was spent going to the different shows and we saw all the animals except the dolphins.  It was windy as a result of Hurricane Sandy passing by and they had already had a piece of roofing blown down.  It was a wonderful day with friends.