We are a homeschooling family that has been graced with 5 daughters. Follow our adventures in life.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Twins 11th birthday
February 16th is the day the Lord blessed us with twins. Their birthday fell on President's day this year, just like 11 years ago when they were born. They started the day eating a breakfast of cereal - their pick of anything, Mom can't say no. They then opened their gifts. It is neat to see how creative the girls get with each other's gifts. We then headed out to spend some time at Parks at Chehaw. We enjoyed seeing the different animals they had there and then spent some time at the big playground. It was a beautiful day! We then headed towards home after such a great weekend. Happy birthday girls! May the Lord erupt into your lives in this next year!
I"m glad they had such a great birthday. MMMM....their pick for breakfast and mom can't say no. I wonder what I would pick!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls!!! Looks like a really fun day!
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