We joined an on-line co-op for our Tapestry discussions this year. I wanted to have my girls involved with a few more students so they could hear other viewpoints and thoughts.
Today was our first sessions. Both older girls had History at 9 a.m. I listened in and thought it went well. The teacher had put together a power point to aid in the discussion that I found really neat. I will have to keep that in mind when it is my turn to teach. The discussion was mainly the French Revolution and John Adams presidency. I didn't get to hear everything but it sounded like the students were prepared and did a good job.
After a break, Eldest had to get back on at 1 p.m. for Literature discussion. This is all new to us as she has moved up to Rhetoric (high school) level. What I heard of that seemed to go well also. It was mainly an intro to and why of Literature this week. Next week they will get into Pride and Prejudice. Eldest seems to be enjoying reading that book.
We are off and running with our full school schedule now!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Fay is gone!
Well, for the most part Fay is gone. We are still getting some showers such as the ones that gave us another 1.5 inches today for a total of 8.5 inches so far and some more showers expected tomorrow. We are grateful that it is that low though after hearing the amounts from other parts of the state. We had some strong winds but only branches and LOTS of leaves down. We heard that a tornado jumped us, so again, we are thankful for the Lord's protection. We lost our power Thursday night but got it back Friday morning. Our generator that we bought after the 2004 storms did well in providing us fans during the night and keeping our food cold. We spent the time doing a puzzle, playing games, and scrapbooking along with our school work. I will try and add some pictures tomorrow.
I picked up Longlegged girl this morning who had ridden out the storm in Ormond Beach with her aunt. She had a good visit in spite of the interruption by Fay. They even went to MGM Studios park in Orlando on Friday! I am thankful she is back home and we are all together safe and sound.
I picked up Longlegged girl this morning who had ridden out the storm in Ormond Beach with her aunt. She had a good visit in spite of the interruption by Fay. They even went to MGM Studios park in Orlando on Friday! I am thankful she is back home and we are all together safe and sound.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy 12th Birthday!!
Longlegged girl turned 12 on the 14th. We started off the day with her birthday cereal. Our tradition is the birthday person gets to choose any cereal they want for breakfast since we don't normally do sugary cereals. She and Twin #1 then had an art class .
That evening, after a dinner of hamburgers, we went bowling. The girls found out it wasn't as easy as playing it on Wii! They still had fun and we were able to get 3 games in. We then went to my mom's house for cake and present opening.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What do you do with...
A child who is all legs but very skinny? Take her shopping for new pants. Longleggedgirl has outgrown lengthwise all her long pants. She tried wearing a pair of 14's the other day which were big in the waist but not long enough in the legs. We hit Kohl's this evening since they had an additional amount off if I used my Kohl's card. We tried the Juniors section first. The 0's and 1's were great lengthwise but not working in the waist. We then headed to the boy's section but since we passed the girls section first, we stopped there. We found some slims so we picked up some 14's. Adjustable waists were a bonus. Nope, the 14's were actually too tight! That hardly ever happens with her!! I went back out to find some 16 slim's and they actually worked!! I can't believe that I had to buy 16 slims for my not even 12 y.o. daughter yet. And she has just about caught up to me in shoe sizes. I am in trouble because she hasn't even really hit her growth spurt yet. I expect it this coming year since she does turn 12 tomorrow. Craziness!!
Tribute to Army Sgt. Jonathan N. Hartman
Army Sgt. Jonathan N. Hartman, 27, of Orange Park, Florida was killed April 17, 2004 when his convoy was attacked near Diwaniyah, Iraq. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 37th Armored Regiment, 1st Armored Division, Friedburg, Germany. He was a native of Portsmouth, Va. where he attended high school. He had lived in Florida since 1996 and enlisted in the Army in 1999. He served as a crewman on an M-1 tank. His mother remembered him as being excited that he had just been extended 90 days to continue fighting for the freedom of the Iraqi people.
As an American citizen I thank you, Jonathan N. Hartman, for your courage and your sacrifice. I thank your family for all they have given for the cause of freedom. I will remember you, and I will teach my children to remember you. We are forever in your debt.
The above information was taken from Honor the Fallen
9/11 - I remember
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 9/11/06
I remember all too well that morning 5 years ago. I remember starting our morning in the same routine unaware of any tragedy taking place. I remember DH calling to ask if I had the TV on. I remember turning it on and seeing a helicopter over the Pentagon wondering why they were showing that instead of the World Tower as Dh had mentioned. I remember seeing for the first time a plane flying into the tower. I remember crying out to DH on the phone "What is going on?" I remember turning off the TV and sitting down to explain and pray with my children, tears flowing freely. I remember trying to go about a normal morning trying not to check the computer or TV too often. I remember DH coming home early, taking down the Autumn flag I had hung up outside and immediately putting up the American flag. I remember the tears, the prayers, the horror, the questions and even the fear. I remember saying a prayer for weeks every time I saw a plane in the sky. I remember crying a few days later, watching a telecast of Marines heading over to Afghanistan, knowing my brother was in that group heading towards a war. But most of all, I remember leaning on our Lord who knew about and was in control of it all and resting in that knowledge! I remember and will never forget!!
I pray for those whose grief is deeper than mine due to the loss of a loved one on that tragic day. May the Lord of all comfort you!
I remember all too well that morning 5 years ago. I remember starting our morning in the same routine unaware of any tragedy taking place. I remember DH calling to ask if I had the TV on. I remember turning it on and seeing a helicopter over the Pentagon wondering why they were showing that instead of the World Tower as Dh had mentioned. I remember seeing for the first time a plane flying into the tower. I remember crying out to DH on the phone "What is going on?" I remember turning off the TV and sitting down to explain and pray with my children, tears flowing freely. I remember trying to go about a normal morning trying not to check the computer or TV too often. I remember DH coming home early, taking down the Autumn flag I had hung up outside and immediately putting up the American flag. I remember the tears, the prayers, the horror, the questions and even the fear. I remember saying a prayer for weeks every time I saw a plane in the sky. I remember crying a few days later, watching a telecast of Marines heading over to Afghanistan, knowing my brother was in that group heading towards a war. But most of all, I remember leaning on our Lord who knew about and was in control of it all and resting in that knowledge! I remember and will never forget!!
I pray for those whose grief is deeper than mine due to the loss of a loved one on that tragic day. May the Lord of all comfort you!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Slavic Gospel Association
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 3/5/06
We had a representative from the SGA visit our church this morning. Our church has sponsored a paster in the Ukraine for at least 10 years through this organization but had never been visited by anyone from the group. The man spoke during both our SS hour and worship service. I could have listened to his testimonies all day! He shared about believers being alone in areas for years praying that there would be other believers and a church; of persecution through loss of jobs, denial of education and even death at times; of the zeal to hold prayer meetings in the midst of gun fights and as a result, being blessed by having the local Muslim clerics tell them "Your God has told me to protect you, take you in my home, and build you a place of worship"; of people walking miles in below zero temperatures to hear the Word of God; of people repenting publicly of sins in the middle of a church service after hearing the Word read for an hour and so much more!
What sticks with me the most, though, is how he was told they will pray for the Americans. When asked why, the answer was "It must be hard for Americans" After again asking why, he was told "Americans have all known conveniences. It must be hard for them to live fully for God since they are so busy and noisy." Wow, what conviction because it is so true! We have so many other things that can pull us away and keep us from as close a walk with Christ as we need. To think we pray for them because we think it is so hard with how little they have but they think we have it harder. Hmmm, who might be right? Guess it depends on your viewpoint.
If you would like to hear the sermon from this morning, it can be found here.
We had a representative from the SGA visit our church this morning. Our church has sponsored a paster in the Ukraine for at least 10 years through this organization but had never been visited by anyone from the group. The man spoke during both our SS hour and worship service. I could have listened to his testimonies all day! He shared about believers being alone in areas for years praying that there would be other believers and a church; of persecution through loss of jobs, denial of education and even death at times; of the zeal to hold prayer meetings in the midst of gun fights and as a result, being blessed by having the local Muslim clerics tell them "Your God has told me to protect you, take you in my home, and build you a place of worship"; of people walking miles in below zero temperatures to hear the Word of God; of people repenting publicly of sins in the middle of a church service after hearing the Word read for an hour and so much more!
What sticks with me the most, though, is how he was told they will pray for the Americans. When asked why, the answer was "It must be hard for Americans" After again asking why, he was told "Americans have all known conveniences. It must be hard for them to live fully for God since they are so busy and noisy." Wow, what conviction because it is so true! We have so many other things that can pull us away and keep us from as close a walk with Christ as we need. To think we pray for them because we think it is so hard with how little they have but they think we have it harder. Hmmm, who might be right? Guess it depends on your viewpoint.
If you would like to hear the sermon from this morning, it can be found here.
Feminist Insult
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 3/1/06
Wow, I have been insulted this morning. In reading this article that I found linked at Cappucinomom's, I was told that I am not educated or competent because "an educated, competent adult's place is in the office," I have undermined the status of all women, my work is not interesting (she hasn't spent a day around here let alone a few hours!), I can't be fulfilled at my work if I am an educated, complicated person, and that I have chosen a status lower than I should because I am doing work of the lowest caste by "vigilantly watching their babies for signs of excretion 24-7" In other words, I am not really living because "the office and the professional workplace are the arenas where real life is lived and important work is done."
I am glad I am secure in what I am doing or I would be really offended. I am doing what the Lord has called all women to do from Creation - be a helpmeet to my husband and caregiver to my children. I can't imagine a higher calling than doing what my Lord and King has told me to do. I feel sorry for the lady in the article. She is missing out on true happiness and joy!
Wow, I have been insulted this morning. In reading this article that I found linked at Cappucinomom's, I was told that I am not educated or competent because "an educated, competent adult's place is in the office," I have undermined the status of all women, my work is not interesting (she hasn't spent a day around here let alone a few hours!), I can't be fulfilled at my work if I am an educated, complicated person, and that I have chosen a status lower than I should because I am doing work of the lowest caste by "vigilantly watching their babies for signs of excretion 24-7" In other words, I am not really living because "the office and the professional workplace are the arenas where real life is lived and important work is done."
I am glad I am secure in what I am doing or I would be really offended. I am doing what the Lord has called all women to do from Creation - be a helpmeet to my husband and caregiver to my children. I can't imagine a higher calling than doing what my Lord and King has told me to do. I feel sorry for the lady in the article. She is missing out on true happiness and joy!
Are You Ready?
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 1/1/06
I am home this morning with baby who still has a trace of stuffy nose and DD#2 who has been coughing but I can't tell if it is a cold or her asthma acting up. Funny thing is, last year I was home with DD#2 (and baby if you count her in utero) for the first Sunday of the new year. I remember because our pastor preached a wonderful, thought provoking, convicting sermon with our children in mind. It was entitled The Tsunami, a Flower and a Happy New Year and based on Job 14:2. "He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure" It was a reminder that we, like those caught in the Tsunami, are not guaranteed our next breath let alone another year. We need to be searching our hearts and seeing if we have truly repented before a Holy God and therefore, are ready to face the end of our time here on this earth. I recently finished reading Through the Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliott and a quote from Jim Elliott's writing near the end fits very well with this thought "When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die" As we enter another year, I ask myself and you: Are you ready if this year brings your time to die?
I am home this morning with baby who still has a trace of stuffy nose and DD#2 who has been coughing but I can't tell if it is a cold or her asthma acting up. Funny thing is, last year I was home with DD#2 (and baby if you count her in utero) for the first Sunday of the new year. I remember because our pastor preached a wonderful, thought provoking, convicting sermon with our children in mind. It was entitled The Tsunami, a Flower and a Happy New Year and based on Job 14:2. "He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure" It was a reminder that we, like those caught in the Tsunami, are not guaranteed our next breath let alone another year. We need to be searching our hearts and seeing if we have truly repented before a Holy God and therefore, are ready to face the end of our time here on this earth. I recently finished reading Through the Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliott and a quote from Jim Elliott's writing near the end fits very well with this thought "When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die" As we enter another year, I ask myself and you: Are you ready if this year brings your time to die?
Our Use Of the English Language
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 12/28/05
Dh and I were watching the Gettysburg Dvd he received for Christmas (his loving wife got it for him ) As we were watching the part leading up to and just after the final charge, I was listening to their speech. It was eloquant and respectful. Even in their disagreements, they showed respect and courtesy to one another such as during the discussion of evolution when Armistead responds after Pickett challenges someone to claim that Lee descended from the apes "George, all science trembles before the searing logic of your fiery intellect." Can you imagine how someone would say that nowadays? Probably "Talk to the hand"
Then at the end, this dialogue between Lee and Kemper who has been told he is dying:
Dh and I were watching the Gettysburg Dvd he received for Christmas (his loving wife got it for him ) As we were watching the part leading up to and just after the final charge, I was listening to their speech. It was eloquant and respectful. Even in their disagreements, they showed respect and courtesy to one another such as during the discussion of evolution when Armistead responds after Pickett challenges someone to claim that Lee descended from the apes "George, all science trembles before the searing logic of your fiery intellect." Can you imagine how someone would say that nowadays? Probably "Talk to the hand"
Then at the end, this dialogue between Lee and Kemper who has been told he is dying:
Lee: I do hope you are not seriously injured. Kemper: They tell me that it's mortal, General. Lee: I do pray God that it is not the case. Is there anything I can do? Kemper: There's nothing more you can do for me. But, General Lee, will you see to it that full justice is done for my men... who made this charge today? I am sure we would not hear that on the battlefield today. Our society, in general, has lost the eloquance of our language and that is a shame. I know it has made me think more on how I use my words and how I am teaching my girls.
Tips On Making A Birthday Cake
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 12/13/05
Tip #1 - Ask child 2 weeks, not 2 days, before what kind of cake they would like. That way, if you need a special pan that has been discontinued, you will have time to order it off the internet!
Tip #2 - Don't try to make a lasagna and sandwiches for the trip to the zoo along with bake and decorate the cake all in the same evening. Especially if you are also trying to watch the season finale of "The Amazing Race - Family Edition"
Tip #3 - Check what kind of cake you need for the other special pan that you borrowed from a friend before you buy several boxes of cake mix that are buy one, get one free!
Tip #4 - Make sure you have the icing color you need before 10 p.m. Thankfully, blue and yellow make green even if DH says it looks like wasabi.
Tip #5 - If the cake directions say it takes an hour to bake, plan on double that. Maybe even triple!
Tip #6 - Marry a DH that has more artistic talent and patience than you so he can turn the green blob that the icing won't stay on into a tree.
Tip #7 - Keep both sets of your rechargeable batteries charged so you can take a picture of said cake and post it with your blog entry.
Tip #1 - Ask child 2 weeks, not 2 days, before what kind of cake they would like. That way, if you need a special pan that has been discontinued, you will have time to order it off the internet!
Tip #2 - Don't try to make a lasagna and sandwiches for the trip to the zoo along with bake and decorate the cake all in the same evening. Especially if you are also trying to watch the season finale of "The Amazing Race - Family Edition"
Tip #3 - Check what kind of cake you need for the other special pan that you borrowed from a friend before you buy several boxes of cake mix that are buy one, get one free!
Tip #4 - Make sure you have the icing color you need before 10 p.m. Thankfully, blue and yellow make green even if DH says it looks like wasabi.
Tip #5 - If the cake directions say it takes an hour to bake, plan on double that. Maybe even triple!
Tip #6 - Marry a DH that has more artistic talent and patience than you so he can turn the green blob that the icing won't stay on into a tree.
Tip #7 - Keep both sets of your rechargeable batteries charged so you can take a picture of said cake and post it with your blog entry.
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 12/7/05
I have lived in the same area all of my life. Ok, technically, I lived most of the first year or so in South Florida but I have no remembrance of it. I now live about 15 miles from where I grew up. I make it back to that area occasionally like I did yesterday. I will drive down a street and floods of memories come back. Where people lived, activities I did, stores I shopped in but are no longer there, the church I grew up a part of. Some are sad memories but most are good.
As nice as it is to remember those things, God wants us to remember Him and His works. I pray my mind might be focused on Him throughout this season and every day so I might be continuously thanking Him for all His goodness!
I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. Psalm 77:11
Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced Psalm 105:5
I have lived in the same area all of my life. Ok, technically, I lived most of the first year or so in South Florida but I have no remembrance of it. I now live about 15 miles from where I grew up. I make it back to that area occasionally like I did yesterday. I will drive down a street and floods of memories come back. Where people lived, activities I did, stores I shopped in but are no longer there, the church I grew up a part of. Some are sad memories but most are good.
As nice as it is to remember those things, God wants us to remember Him and His works. I pray my mind might be focused on Him throughout this season and every day so I might be continuously thanking Him for all His goodness!
I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. Psalm 77:11
Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced Psalm 105:5
Names & Bloodlines
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 12/1/05
Our 2nd DD has a little trouble with her memory, especially names. Tonight on the way home from swim practice, she was telling us about a boy on the team and said his name was Noah. (Dh wanted to know if he builds boats ) Turns out his name is Ken. Thankfully, she hadn't actually called him Noah!!
Their discussion during practice was about ancestors so we were talking about ours as we have English, Scottish, Irish, German and possibly Blackfoot and Cherokee indian. This same DD couldn't understand how we could be related to William Bradford (from the Mayflower) if we have Indian blood. Then when I mentioned how I wish we could prove the indian ancestors, she suggested that they just examine our blood to see if the indian blood was there. That led to an explanation of how we are all human and our blood is basically the same so that wouldn't be possible. So we had a little history/science lesson today after all!
Our 2nd DD has a little trouble with her memory, especially names. Tonight on the way home from swim practice, she was telling us about a boy on the team and said his name was Noah. (Dh wanted to know if he builds boats ) Turns out his name is Ken. Thankfully, she hadn't actually called him Noah!!
Their discussion during practice was about ancestors so we were talking about ours as we have English, Scottish, Irish, German and possibly Blackfoot and Cherokee indian. This same DD couldn't understand how we could be related to William Bradford (from the Mayflower) if we have Indian blood. Then when I mentioned how I wish we could prove the indian ancestors, she suggested that they just examine our blood to see if the indian blood was there. That led to an explanation of how we are all human and our blood is basically the same so that wouldn't be possible. So we had a little history/science lesson today after all!
God IS in Control
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 11/24/05
I was reading John Macarthur's devotion this morning on God's soveriegnity and an example of it has continued coming to my mind the last few days. This story of a local family whose father did something that is hard for the mind to conceive - attempted to kill his own son. It is only by God's Grace, by His sovereignity, that this little boy is safe with his mother today. It is only God's sovereignity that put a woman in a place she normally wasn't and gave her the strength to rescue this child. It is also His sovereignity that put the mother in a place to become friends with one of my friends so that she might hear biblical words of advice, counsel and encouragement through all this turmoil. My prayer is the end result might be a saving relationship with God for this family but only God knows because He is in control!
This Thanksgiving day I am reminded to be thankful for a loving Father who guides each and every step even when it leads places I might not want to go because I can trust that He sees the end picture and won't send me down a wrong path! What a comforting thought to the believer!
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
I was reading John Macarthur's devotion this morning on God's soveriegnity and an example of it has continued coming to my mind the last few days. This story of a local family whose father did something that is hard for the mind to conceive - attempted to kill his own son. It is only by God's Grace, by His sovereignity, that this little boy is safe with his mother today. It is only God's sovereignity that put a woman in a place she normally wasn't and gave her the strength to rescue this child. It is also His sovereignity that put the mother in a place to become friends with one of my friends so that she might hear biblical words of advice, counsel and encouragement through all this turmoil. My prayer is the end result might be a saving relationship with God for this family but only God knows because He is in control!
This Thanksgiving day I am reminded to be thankful for a loving Father who guides each and every step even when it leads places I might not want to go because I can trust that He sees the end picture and won't send me down a wrong path! What a comforting thought to the believer!
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Safe in the Arms
This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 11/22/05
I was watching my 7 month old explore her world. She was scooting and rolling all over the floor, playing with her toys and sometimes reaching for forbidden things which allowed her to begin learning the word "No". Finally she reached a point where she couldn't touch the desk drawer handle anymore and lightly hit her head on the desk. Her face went down the ground on top of her hands and a muffled cry could be heard. As soon as Mama scooped her up, though, the cries ceased. She was safe in comforting arms! What a reminder of how when we are weary in the midst of trials and persecution, all we have to do is turn and there are the comforting arms of our Father. Oh, what peace that thought can bring!
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;" Isaiah 66:13a
I was watching my 7 month old explore her world. She was scooting and rolling all over the floor, playing with her toys and sometimes reaching for forbidden things which allowed her to begin learning the word "No". Finally she reached a point where she couldn't touch the desk drawer handle anymore and lightly hit her head on the desk. Her face went down the ground on top of her hands and a muffled cry could be heard. As soon as Mama scooped her up, though, the cries ceased. She was safe in comforting arms! What a reminder of how when we are weary in the midst of trials and persecution, all we have to do is turn and there are the comforting arms of our Father. Oh, what peace that thought can bring!
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;" Isaiah 66:13a
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My family is back
Well, we made it through this week of being in many different places. Dh arrived home Thursday afternoon tired but safe and sound. He had to go into work on Friday but was able to come home a little early. We enjoyed the evening with friends watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. If you didn't see it, you missed a really great ceremony.
We picked up Eldestof5 today at the beach. She had a very enjoyable visit with her aunt and uncle which was evident by the fact of her going to bed around 7 p.m. due to being so tired. I am thankful everyone is home under the same roof tonight.
We picked up Eldestof5 today at the beach. She had a very enjoyable visit with her aunt and uncle which was evident by the fact of her going to bed around 7 p.m. due to being so tired. I am thankful everyone is home under the same roof tonight.
Recent Visitors
I am a nature lover and watching birds is one of my favorite things to do. Hummingbirds amaze me with their quickness and beauty. We finally have had some visiting our yard this year. They were emptying this little feeder just about every day so I have added a bigger one. They seem to like it even more because more than one can feed at a time and it has a perch for them to rest on. I was amazed to see one sit in our oak tree for a few minutes the other morning. I had been under the impression that they were always in movement and I guess my little visitors showed me how erroneous my belief was.

We also have many cardinals that visit our feeder. I was able to catch a few good pictures of them also. I love sitting on my patio to listen to and watch these beautiful creatures that the Lord has made.

We also have many cardinals that visit our feeder. I was able to catch a few good pictures of them also. I love sitting on my patio to listen to and watch these beautiful creatures that the Lord has made.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Where did everyone go?
I have been single parenting for the last 2 days. Dh went out of town on a business trip until Thursday. In addition, Eldestof5 is gone for the week also! She is visiting an aunt who has sweetly taken each girl for a few days over the summer. Longlegged girl still has her turn coming up. We will pick her up on Saturday when we go to the beach for a birthday party for my soon to be 2 year old niece and nephew.
We have kept busy with my working at the store I help at and 2 of the girls taking a knitting class there each afternoon this week. I was also able to get the yard mowed in spite of the unexpected rain we had last night. Tonight is take care of some more school planning - Tapestry of Grace specifically and tomorrow I hope to do some scrapbooking. A dinner at friend's house will finish off Thursday and then Dh should be home.
Hope everyone else is having a great week!
We have kept busy with my working at the store I help at and 2 of the girls taking a knitting class there each afternoon this week. I was also able to get the yard mowed in spite of the unexpected rain we had last night. Tonight is take care of some more school planning - Tapestry of Grace specifically and tomorrow I hope to do some scrapbooking. A dinner at friend's house will finish off Thursday and then Dh should be home.
Hope everyone else is having a great week!
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