Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Are You Ready?

This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 1/1/06

I am home this morning with baby who still has a trace of stuffy nose and DD#2 who has been coughing but I can't tell if it is a cold or her asthma acting up. Funny thing is, last year I was home with DD#2 (and baby if you count her in utero) for the first Sunday of the new year. I remember because our pastor preached a wonderful, thought provoking, convicting sermon with our children in mind. It was entitled The Tsunami, a Flower and a Happy New Year and based on Job 14:2.
"He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure" It was a reminder that we, like those caught in the Tsunami, are not guaranteed our next breath let alone another year. We need to be searching our hearts and seeing if we have truly repented before a Holy God and therefore, are ready to face the end of our time here on this earth. I recently finished reading Through the Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliott and a quote from Jim Elliott's writing near the end fits very well with this thought "When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die" As we enter another year, I ask myself and you: Are you ready if this year brings your time to die?

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