Saturday, August 9, 2008

My family is back

Well, we made it through this week of being in many different places. Dh arrived home Thursday afternoon tired but safe and sound. He had to go into work on Friday but was able to come home a little early. We enjoyed the evening with friends watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. If you didn't see it, you missed a really great ceremony.

We picked up Eldestof5 today at the beach. She had a very enjoyable visit with her aunt and uncle which was evident by the fact of her going to bed around 7 p.m. due to being so tired. I am thankful everyone is home under the same roof tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hi June,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is nice to meet a fellow Floridan homeschooler!! Your daughters are beautiful!! You are great at getting your school started in July. I love your pictures of the birds!! I love to watch them also!! We have a hawk that visits us once in a while. I have been fortunate to get his picture!!

Unknown said...

Hi June, thanks for the visit to my blog. I certainly enjoyed my visit to yours! Those are some great pics of the birds and your daughters are so beautiful. I also like the name of your you call your school the same thing? We have been homeschooling for 10 years now and never actually named our school. This year I have given the task over to the boys. I am a little scared about what they may come up with lol. Have a great week! Julie