Next was Eldest turn. She shocked me yesterday by saying she wanted her hair cut in a bob. She had been talking about getting bangs which I didn't think would look the best. I made double sure before I cut it but once we were done, I could quickly see it was a great choice. I love how it looks fuller and shows off the wave that has developed in her hair.
Dh walked in the room after I was finished and wanted to know if a dog exploded. There was quite a bit of hair on the floor but there is also more cash in my bank account which makes it worth it.
I wish I could cut L's hair. I just don't have the guts. They all look great btw
Cute cuts. I usually do Marissa's and Daniella's hair, although I did send them to the salon when they got it cut for Locks of Love. I couldn't handle 12" of hair on each of them! I'm ready for one myself.
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