Sunday, November 2, 2008

I can do school too!

Puddin is growing up way too fast. When I tell her sisters to get started on school, she says she is going to get her school out also. I decided to needed to get busy finding some things for her to do. I found a wonderful site on line to make lapbooks, even for her age. She enjoys having the Poky Little Puppy read to her so I chose that as the first book. We learned some new words, counted flowers and bugs and learned about our senses. She had a great time putting together her lapbook and I hope to do more with her.

1 comment:

Letitia said...

THat's cute. It's great she's enjoying getting in on the learning.
The fall festival looks like it was lots of fun.
Obama's comments about his salvation reminded me in a way about a "Christian" college that we visited last month. Their religious statement "could not be written in a simple sentence, but would develop and change through ongoing conversation with the MH family." Excuse me? We won't be looking into that college any further.