Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas Eve play

The girls have begun a tradition of doing a play for us on Christmas Eve. I didn't get pictures that actual morning since I was a little out of it from the Nyquil I had taken the night before. The girls redid the play for their grandmother who came up for a visit after Christmas so I was able to get some pictures then.

Eldest was a tv reporter in Jerusalem the night Christ was born. The other girls took turns being the on site reporter and other characters of the Christmas story.

We also had some commercials. This was a shampoo commercial.
Eldest and Longlegged Girl also tried to get us to buy thingamajigs and thingamabobs.

Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker's man
Get yourself a thingamabob if you can!

The wisemen showed up 3 years later. Puddin was originally one but she was already in bed when the encore was presented.
I can't wait to see what they come up with next year!!

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