Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Baby Makes Three

We have been a little crazy around here and I hope to post some pictures about it soon.  Tonight, however, we watched The Nativity Story and throughout the movie, I couldn't help thinking about Mary and all that she had to have felt and seen and thought.  Her faith encourages me as the Bible so clearly tells of how she trusted in spite of such impossible, at least in the eyes of humans, news.  I am in awe thinking how God entrusted such a young girl with the care of His son.  It all reminded me of a story I wrote for the local newspaper's Christmas contest 21 years ago while I was pregnant with my first.  I hope you enjoy it!

Baby Makes Three
By June Mahan
December 1994

It was a cool and quiet December night as she climbed back into bed for the third time.  She eased in quietly so not to wake her husband and tried to find a comfortable position.  One was finally found and then the child in her womb moved to find a position in his cramped quarters.  Her thoughts turned to the child as she again began wondering whether it was a boy or girl, what features of her and her husband it had acquired, and when it would arrive to make theirs a family of three. 

         She didn’t have long to wonder as the child was due any time.  She hoped it would not be too close to Christmas as family was meeting at their house to celebrate the birth of their child and another so many years ago.  She thought of the child born long ago and how he didn’t have much: no nursery painted in vivd colors, no crib with matching sheets and a comforter, nor a dresser and closet filled to the brim with beautiful clothes.  No, he only had a manager filled with straw, swaddling clothes, and parents.  The parents, though, could provide the best thing of all and that was love.  In the same way, her child and the one long ago would have much in common.

         She was getting uncomfortable and so it became necessary to find another position.  She moved as easily as possible and then settled back down.  Her mind turned to motherhood and all the feelings she had as she faced it.  There was joy, apprehension, nervousness, happiness, and a million questions.  How had Mary so long ago felt?  She had to travel over a great distance while in the last of her pregnancy, arrive in a town where there was no one she knew, and live in a stable with the animals.  There were no showers to help prepare for the baby, no family to gather in the waiting room and no mother to give advice after the birth.  Surely she had many more questions!  Faith and knowledge that this child was from God must have been Mary’s strength as it would be her own, she thought.

         Her husband stirred beside her and she looked over at his sleeping form.  What a loving and caring man this was, she thought.  He had been so understanding through the pregnancy, helping out as he could, doing the nursery, ooh-ing and aah-ing over all the gifts.  She loved the way he asked about her doctor visits and readily attended childbirth class.  He had made everything so much easier.  Had Joseph been the same way?  At first, it must have been very hard for him to accept the fact that it was an immaculate conception but then he lovingly took Mary as his bride.  Had he done chores for her when she began to tire or her feet began to swell?  Did he worry if she was eating enough?  When the birth began, had he panicked or had he given love and support?  She didn’t know the answer to these questions, but she knew he praised and thanked God for the child that had been provided to show the way.  Her husband also thanked God for the blessing and miracle of the child inside her.

         She felt a pain and wondered if the time had finally arrived.  As she laid waiting for the next one, her heart raced with joy and slowed with apprehension.  Was she really ready for this?  Could she fulfill the needs of this little one coming?  Another pain grabbed her and she knew the time had come.  As she leaned over to awaken her husband, she smiled to herself.  Like the little family long ago made it through with faith in and help from God, so would hers.

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