Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reformation Day Party

We don't celebrate halloween. We made that decision before our children were born so they have never gone out trick or treating although they have attended Fall Festivals once or twice. We always try to not be home on the evening of 31st so we go to friends' houses who don't live in busy neighborhoods or other events. One time we attended a local fair type event and were interviewed about why we were there that evening. The interview and the girls' picture was put in our local newspaper.

Over the years, I learned more about Reformation day and decided that was what I wanted my girls to think of the 31st as. About 5 years ago, Dh and I put on a party at our church, coming up with Biblical themed games like "Bean Goliath" and "Pin the Thesis on the Door". It was a welcomed event so I did some search for more ideas. I came across the book, A Night of Reformation, by Doorposts Publishing which was just what I was looking for. The next year, we put together a party based on the life of John Calvin. It was a wonderful time. I wasn't able to put together one for the next few years due to being out of town and having other obligations. This year, I was determined to put another party together. We did one of the parties for Martin Luther and his life. It turned out wonderful. Below are pictures from it. Note all the creativity each of the families and singles put into the booths. I just had to give them a paper telling how the game was played and a list of suggested supplies.

The nuns from Katie's Convent. The detail they put into this was amazing. I absolutely loved it!!

This was one of the more popular games. You had to knock down the red books which contained false teachings while not knocking down the blue books which were Luther's.

Eldest and her friend planned and ran the obstacle course booth. It portrayed when Luther was kidnapped on his way home to keep him safe from the pope.

My sweet dh getting ready to lead the prayer and read some scripture.
My girls and some of the other youth read the story of Luther's life
which explained the different games.

Even the adults enjoyed the fun.
Puddin had fun playing too. She threw the papal bull in the fire and pinned the thesis on the door. I think she enjoyed the candy the most though!

She even had help from Daddy decoding Bible verses.
Eldest even got some time to play games after it sprinkled and her booth had to close down.


Breezy Point Mom said...

This is a brilliant idea! I never heard of this, but it looks terrific! It would be great if we could do this with our church some time. Thanks for the idea!

Quebedeaux said...

I love the pictures!! I am now officially stalking, ummm I mean following you...