Sunday, September 30, 2012

We did it!!!

Our family has budgeted for years but as the family grew in size and busyness, it has been harder and harder for me to keep up with finances so we could know where we were in the budget.  I have used a variety of methods but the one that is hitting the ball out of the park is EEBA.  We just finished our 2nd month of using it and it has allowed both my husband and I to see where we are in the budget at any time.

So, what did we do?  Well, the 13th of this month, after 2 big grocery shopping trips, I realized that we had gone over our grocery budget some.  As a family, we made the decision that we were not going to spend any more grocery money in the month of September.  Today is the 30th and we did it!!!  We never went hungry or missed a meal.  There is even some meat and veggies left.  The hardest thing was fresh fruits and veggies so we used lots of frozen and jarred items.  I will confess that I made one trip to the grocery store for a container of half & half but my girls paid for it because they had left my last, mostly full, container on the counter all day so it soured!  Sorry, have to have my creamer for coffee!!

I am thankful it is a new month so we can try again and see if we can stay under the budget this time!

1 comment:

anacooper said...

We started using cash for groceries a few years back... No cash, no extra stuff! I have a big coupon organizer that I budget for bigger items (like bulk purchases)... Just another idea!!!