Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God IS in Control

This is a repost of one of my favorite entries from my other blog. It was originally posted 11/24/05


I was reading
John Macarthur's devotion this morning on God's soveriegnity and an example of it has continued coming to my mind the last few days. This story of a local family whose father did something that is hard for the mind to conceive - attempted to kill his own son. It is only by God's Grace, by His sovereignity, that this little boy is safe with his mother today. It is only God's sovereignity that put a woman in a place she normally wasn't and gave her the strength to rescue this child. It is also His sovereignity that put the mother in a place to become friends with one of my friends so that she might hear biblical words of advice, counsel and encouragement through all this turmoil. My prayer is the end result might be a saving relationship with God for this family but only God knows because He is in control!

This Thanksgiving day I am reminded to be thankful for a loving Father who guides each and every step even when it leads places I might not want to go because I can trust that He sees the end picture and won't send me down a wrong path! What a comforting thought to the believer!

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

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